The Green Dragon Inn, Hobbiton


Happy Hobbit Week!

We all know the Green Dragon Inn from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy. It’s situated in idyllic Hobbiton, where nothing interesting ever happens, and everyone respectfully minds their own business… except for our favorite hobbits, dwarves, and wizard!

I dearly want to visit the set (or what’s left) of the Hobbit and LotR one day, and see the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand. The shots from the movies are just breathtaking, and I imagine that being there is extraordinary. In celebration of Hobbit Week, check out The Green Dragon Inn, and other Middle Earth locations!

I really want to try some of the beer they make there… It comes in pints!

Hobbiton Tours

Hanging out in Hobbiton


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  1. Fathom December 11, 2013 at 10:23 pm - Reply

    Ugh, even without The Hobbit/LotR sets, New Zealand just looks SO beautiful. I would love to go there one day. (On a recent episode of Castle he was trying to get Beckett to agree to go to New Zealand on their honeymoon, so he could tour Hobbiton, lol. She wasn’t game, but I thought it sounded excellent.)

    Too bad it doesn’t look like they export those ales and you have to actually go there to try them.

    • TheNerdOne December 11, 2013 at 11:41 pm - Reply

      I would go all the way to New Zealand just to try that beer. Of course, I would be getting the whole experience along the way, so it wouldn’t be just for that, but seriously. Life goal.

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