Improving Enterprises Hearthstone Invitational #1


Tournament Rules:

We’re on the honor system here, fellas. Rule #1 is: don’t be a troll. Talk to Ryan (Torg#1612) if you have any questions about rules or match outcome reporting.

Card Decks:

Players will use Hearthstone card decks that they have collected and set up on the North American server. Matches shall utilize a Best of five (5) format with three (3) classes per Player each match. No cards will be restricted during the tournament (even in the event that new cards are introduced before or during the tournament)

Each player must submit three unique classes prior to each match of the event beforehand. Players will announce these classes via hearthstone/ client to their opponent at the time of the match before the first game begins. Players will not be allowed to switch out classes once declared. A player must win one game with each of their three classes to win the match.

Winning & Losing:

The first Player to win three (3) games will be determined to be the winner of the match

In the event that a game ends with both players “losing” simultaneously (“a Draw”), neither player will earn a game point, and the match will continue and another game played with each player using the same class and deck that was played in the Draw game

When a player wins a game, the deck used by the winning player cannot be used for the remainder of the match.

The losing player can keep the same deck used or switch to a different one of their choice. Players will be told what classes their opponent has available, but they won’t know which class is picked until both players have picked.


Both players will need to report their match outcome to the tournament organizer as soon as possible via email or chat.

Please save screenshots of each match’s win screen, or any evidence of cheating for reference in the case of a match dispute. Cheaters will be mercilessly ridiculed, and emails with frightening My Little Pony cosplayers will be sent from their computers when they’re AFK at the office. Do not incur the wrath of the Ponies.


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