About NH

Welcome to NoobHero!

We are an emerging gaming community, full of casual gamers of all skill levels who play games on multiple platforms. 

Our mission is to bring gamers together to share their experiences and knowledge about the games they play and love.

We want to bring you the best news, humor, videos, reviews, previews, guides, and streams that we possibly can!

Future plans for the community and website include:

  • Regularly scheduled news articles on our featured games
  • Bringing on new contributors for gaming news articles and videos
  • Recruiting awesome community members
  • Promoting moderators to help manage our forums
  • Setting up a store to sell awesome gamer gear!

If you have any questions, suggestions or you want to get involved with the community, please contact Torg. We’re going through a period of rebuilding, and some links may be broken on the site right now. We’re sorry about that!

Thank you for visiting! Check us out at the following locations:






The evolution of our logo since 2010

NoobHero was founded on Thursday, 7/29/2010 by Torg.