Welcome to NoobHero.com V4.0!


Hey guys! I want to extend a sincere welcome to the new website, community, and network.

This upgrade is long overdue, but here we are. I’m SO excited about the things I want to bring to you in the coming months, and I’m confident that you’ll be interested in what we’re doing here at NoobHero. We might even have some opportunities for YOU, if you’re interested.

We have big plans for various improvements to the community’s websites and social media, so stay posted for more news.

We’ll be looking for forum and discussion comment moderators in addition to content creators in the form of game and movie reviewers, news article authors, editorial/opinion writers, video/game commentary, video/written guides, humor (videos, memes, etc.), and more.

If you’re interested in promoting your own work as an author or content producer and getting more details about potential staff positions, check out our staff list (top menu) or leave a post or message on one of our social media locations. There are many ways to get a hold of us, so just poke around and don’t be afraid to make a lot of noise until we settle on a specific form of official business communication. We’ll be in touch. (Note: site is still under construction, and our staff listings are not fully available yet. we’ll fix this soon.)

Thank you so much for visiting, you rock!

-Ryan “Torg” Turek, Owner/Founder @NoobHero

Follow NoobHero on Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube.

Below I thought it would be fun to share some new and old graphics and screenshots from NH over the last few years. We’ve come a long way!


Noob Hero Website Banner

Official Noob Hero Logo V4.0

Official Noob Hero Logo


Torg’s Avatar


Old Noob Hero Logo V3


Old Noob Hero Logo V2


NoobHero.com 2014


Noob Hero V3 Website Screenshot


Concept Art for Noob Hero V1

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