Hearthstone Patch Notes –



The end of the February 2015 season is coming up this weekend, so if you want to get your rank 20 cardback or grind out legend like a pro then now is the time to get to work! There will be a few changes coming in this patch, but nothing major.

I really like the spectator mode changes, personally. Lately I’ve had a lot of friends chat in skype while spectating and it’s a pain to have to re-spectate and potentially miss the start of a game because you got booted. Good work, Blizz!

I’m looking forward to grinding past rank 5 in March (on our livestream!). Remember that these patch notes may change in the next few days, so keep an eye on the official hearthstone site to make sure you don’t miss anything (we’ll try to keep this updated, but the source link is at the bottom of the article if you want to go comment on the official hearthstone blog).


In this Hearthstone patch, we’re adding a new seasonal card back to the game, making Mimiron’s Head fancier, improving Spectator Mode, and addressing a few bugs.

The full patch notes are below!


 Hearthstone Patch Notes –


· The following card back has been added to Hearthstone:

· Lunar Card Back: Acquired by reaching Rank 20 or higher in Ranked Play mode during the month of February.

· When a match you are spectating ends, your client will be put into a waiting state until your friend joins another match. You’ll automatically connect to their next match without having to re-enable Spectator Mode. How convenient!

· Mimiron’s Head has an AWESOME new play animation. Go ahead, push the big red button!

· [iPad/Android] You should no longer see the “You have been disconnected” message when you start up the game.

· [iPad/Android] The in-game friend’s list should now open much faster.


· Players will now continue to spectate a match even after 30 minutes of inactivity.

· Cogmaster has taken a break from constructing mechanical menaces and has given himself a tune-up! His attack will now properly increase when a Mech is in play, even after his Attack and Health stats have been swapped.



(SOURCE) Battle.net

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Ryan - Torg Founder, Owner, Author & Admin @NoobHero
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