Tag: patch

Hearthstone Patch Notes –

Views: 5170 Likes: 1 0

  The end of the February 2015 season is coming up this weekend, so if you want to get your rank 20 cardback or grind out legend like a pro then now is the time to get to work! There will be a ...

WoW Patch 6.1 Coming Soon™

Views: 3832 Likes: 1 0

World of Warcraft PTR Patch 6.1 – New heirloom interface, achievement mounts, blood elf character models, in-game twitter integration, garrison upgrades, increased healer damage (except for pr ...

SC2 & WoW Update Feb 2013

Views: 4218 Likes: 2 0

Hello friends, guild members and visitors! 🙂 I have a few interesting things to share this week that i’m excited about! First of all is the changes to the SC2 battlenet interface that Blizz re ...

WoW Expansion: Mists of Pandaria Announced!

Views: 3098 Likes: 2 0

World of Warcraft: Kung Fu Pan… Mists of Pandaria is the next expansion! You know what, i’m just gonna let you watch this video and form your opinion without making too many comments ...