SC2 & WoW Update Feb 2013

Hello friends, guild members and visitors! 🙂

I have a few interesting things to share this week that i’m excited about! First of all is the changes to the SC2 battlenet interface that Blizz released in preparation for HotS (which comes out in a few weeks!)
I created a SC2 Clan for us on Battlenet called “Shadow’s Inn Gaming” with the clan tag [SIG]My battle tag is BlinK#862 feel free to join me! 🙂

Video Preview from HuskyStarcraft: 


Secondly, Love is the Air (WoW Holiday) is going on right now and you can easily get a 480 ilevel neck item and (if you put some effort in) some fun vanity items (pet, mount, etc).

WoWHead LitA Holiday Guide!

Also, WoW is being offered for reduced price right now, so if you’re interested in coming back to the game, now is a good time! Patch 5.2 (during which I hope to raid with the guild at some point) will be coming out in a few weeks and you should come back and level up in panda land if you haven’t!

Cheap WoW Prices!
World of Warcraft Prices

  • $5 Battle Chest
  • $10 Cata
  • $20 Mists!
Blizzcon 2013 announced (man do I wish I could go) if you’re interested, here’s some info:
WoW Screenshot of the Week:
Mammoth Love Train! xD
That’s all for today. Feel free to comment and share! 🙂
NH Admin
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