Tag: starcraft

Heroes of the Storm – Developer Showmatch

Views: 2469 Likes: 2 0

“Join Game Director for Heroes of the Storm, Dustin Browder, and StarCraft-wonderboy, Mike ‘Husky’ Lamond, as they cast a Heroes game played by Blizzard developers on Cursed Hol ...

My Nerdy Book List!

Views: 2148 Likes: 0 0

Hello Nerds! I wanted to share a list of my favorite fantasy, sci-fi, and general fiction books and give you a place to recommend your favorites! As these are my favorites, Obviously I would recommen ...

SC2 & WoW Update Feb 2013

Views: 4218 Likes: 2 0

Hello friends, guild members and visitors! 🙂 I have a few interesting things to share this week that i’m excited about! First of all is the changes to the SC2 battlenet interface that Blizz re ...

“The Probelem” – StarCrafts Ep1

Views: 2446 Likes: 1 0

  *bzzzt* ^.^ Carbot Animations’ adorable little probe gets into trouble with the terran… or is it the other way around?     SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotan ...

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview

Views: 3440 Likes: 1 0

Hey Community! I wanted to make sure that those of you who have an interest in StarCraft II saw this video! There was some great new information released during BlizzCon about the new SCII expansi ...

SC: Final Metamorphosis

Views: 2826 Likes: 1 0

  Check out this incredible fan-made CGI animation. I could watch this stuff all day! *nerdchills*     SOURCE: StarCraft: Final Metamorphosis is a fan animation created as tribute to ...

StarCraft 2: Free Starter Edition

Views: 2697 Likes: 1 0

fan art via http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/media/fanart/ StarCraft II: Free Starter Edition! Good news! Now your friends have no excuse not to try StarCraft II with you! Blizzard recently did away with ...

StarCraft II Wings of Liberty Turns 1!

Views: 2312 Likes: 1 0

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty celebrates its first birthday TODAY (July 27th)! This article is worth a read if you’re a SCII fan. [SCII Birthday Blog] Possibly the most important recent SCII news is ...

SC: Ghost – Opening Cinematic

Views: 2397 Likes: 1 0

  “The opening cinematic to the cancelled Xbox/PlayStation 2 game, Starcraft: Ghost.” HOW did I not know this existed!? Gosh I was looking forward to this game so much, and was total ...