Tag: craft

Blizzard Arcade – Free To Play

Views: 3190 Likes: 2 0

Blizzard recently announced that they are now granting completely free and open access to the Blizzard Arcade system in Star Craft II. You can make a starter account for FREE, and get some very gene ...

StarCrafts Season 1 Promo!

Views: 2170 Likes: 3 0

  Carbot Animations has just blown me away with his creativity, humor, and love for StarCraft! It makes me happy that there are people out there who are willing and able to create such fun art l ...

SC2 & WoW Update Feb 2013

Views: 4218 Likes: 2 0

Hello friends, guild members and visitors! 🙂 I have a few interesting things to share this week that i’m excited about! First of all is the changes to the SC2 battlenet interface that Blizz re ...

Onslaught – StarCrafts S1 Ep10

Views: 2211 Likes: 2 0

  Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotanimations.com/ SHIRTS: http://www.swagling.com/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarbotA ...

Scouting Factor – StarCrafts S1 Ep9

Views: 1949 Likes: 2 0

  “Scouting Factor…y” HAH! Get it? *facepalm*     Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotanimations.com/ SHI ...

Roach Poach – StarCrafts S1 Ep8

Views: 2256 Likes: 1 0

  Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotanimations.com/ SHIRTS: http://www.swagling.com/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarbotA ...

Roach Approach – StarCrafts S1 Ep7

Views: 2162 Likes: 1 0

    Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotanimations.com/ SHIRTS: http://www.swagling.com/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ ...

Hellion of a Harass – StarCrafts S1 Ep6

Views: 2293 Likes: 1 0

    Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotanimations.com/ SHIRTS: http://www.swagling.com/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ ...

“Choked Up” – StarCrafts S1 Ep5

Views: 2511 Likes: 1 0

  “The void hungers!” O.O This has definitely happened to me in ladder games. >.<     Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SOURCE: Carbot Animations:  ...

“Zerg BM” – StarCrafts S1 Ep4

Views: 2625 Likes: 1 0

  I may or may not have laughed too hard watching this video >.< A gem from the YouTube comment section: “aaaaaaaaaaaand two legends are born in this episode: derpling, and Sgt. Butt ...

“Micro Marine” StarCrafts Ep 3

Views: 2563 Likes: 1 0

  *sips coffee* ahh, if only we could micro zealots and zerglings exactly like marine micro. less QQ more pew pew. >.<     Yet another excellent short from Carbot Animations! SO ...

“Supply Block” – StarCrafts Ep 2

Views: 2500 Likes: 1 0

  ^.^ None shall stand! -.- *pokes* Gotta love the play on words with the video title. Another kick ass animation from Carbot Animations!     SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.car ...

“The Probelem” – StarCrafts Ep1

Views: 2446 Likes: 1 0

  *bzzzt* ^.^ Carbot Animations’ adorable little probe gets into trouble with the terran… or is it the other way around?     SOURCE: Carbot Animations: http://www.carbotan ...

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview

Views: 3441 Likes: 1 0

Hey Community! I wanted to make sure that those of you who have an interest in StarCraft II saw this video! There was some great new information released during BlizzCon about the new SCII expansi ...

SC: Final Metamorphosis

Views: 2827 Likes: 1 0

  Check out this incredible fan-made CGI animation. I could watch this stuff all day! *nerdchills*     SOURCE: StarCraft: Final Metamorphosis is a fan animation created as tribute to ...