Tag: entertainment

Azeroth by the Numbers

Views: 2600 Likes: 2 0

  It’s pretty hard to believe that World of Warcraft has been going strong for nearly a DECADE… It makes me feel old and confused, but I don’t think I’m alone there. I ...

Blizzard Announces WoW Garrisons (Player Housing) in Warlords of Draenor

Views: 2746 Likes: 2 0

Oof, This post needs editing. I’ll do a write-up soon! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/11502044/ ...

SC2 & WoW Update Feb 2013

Views: 4218 Likes: 2 0

Hello friends, guild members and visitors! 🙂 I have a few interesting things to share this week that i’m excited about! First of all is the changes to the SC2 battlenet interface that Blizz re ...

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview

Views: 3441 Likes: 1 0

Hey Community! I wanted to make sure that those of you who have an interest in StarCraft II saw this video! There was some great new information released during BlizzCon about the new SCII expansi ...

WoW Expansion: Mists of Pandaria Announced!

Views: 3098 Likes: 2 0

World of Warcraft: Kung Fu Pan… Mists of Pandaria is the next expansion! You know what, i’m just gonna let you watch this video and form your opinion without making too many comments ...

StarCraft 2: Free Starter Edition

Views: 2697 Likes: 1 0

fan art via http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/media/fanart/ StarCraft II: Free Starter Edition! Good news! Now your friends have no excuse not to try StarCraft II with you! Blizzard recently did away with ...

BlizzCon 2011 Virtual Tickets Now Available!

Views: 2568 Likes: 1 0

  BlizzCon 2011 virtual tickets are now available! If you’re thinking about getting a virtual ticket or wanting to go to BlizzCon this fall, make sure you keep a close watch on BlizzCon news! ...

Blizzard Legitimizing Real-World Cash for In-Game Goods?

Views: 41831 Likes: 1 0

This article is in response to Blizzard Entertainment’s release of information about the new Diablo III Auction House System. Click the Hyperlinks in the previous sentence for more information if you ...

WoW Update – 7/27/2011

Views: 2383 Likes: 1 0

Because this is indeed my first NoobHero news article for WoW, this information might seem like old news, but I wanted to write it up regardless! One of the biggest things new to WoW that I think is ...

Diablo III Beta News Update

Views: 2731 Likes: 1 0

Blizzard released some vague information related to the Diablo III Beta testing. According to MMO-Champ and DiabloFans: “The Diablo III external beta testing is expected to begin in Q3 of this ...

Blizcon 2011 & SDCC Updates

Views: 2735 Likes: 1 0

So we’ve got some interesting news coming from Blizzard over the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 weekend! [Comic-Con] BLIZZCON WEBSITE Blizzard launched their new BlizzCon website: [Bnet BlizzCon Site] It l ...