Blizcon 2011 & SDCC Updates

So we’ve got some interesting news coming from Blizzard over the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 weekend!


Blizzard launched their new BlizzCon website:
[Bnet BlizzCon Site]

It looks great! Pretty much looks the same as the rest of battlenet, but it’s a good place for exclusive BlizzCon information. It’s definitely worthy of its own location i’d say.

I spotted an announcement for the Global invitational and GSL being hosted live at BlizzCon in October. I will definitely be watching this and reporting on it! If you have any interest in pro-gaming tournaments, be sure to check this out.
[Bnet BlizzCon Pro-Gaming Blog]

The BlizzCon site will undoubtedly be used for ticket purchases, BlizzCon image/video galleries and press releases related to information revealed at BlizzCon. Bookmark it along with your other gaming sites!


I’ll be honest, the lack of exciting news is loltastic.

There was a bit of info related to Blizzard merch, comics, the WoW TCG and Diablo III which I’ll share a bit more about in the next news update.

Heres a video courtesy of


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Ryan - Torg Founder, Owner, Author & Admin @NoobHero
Ryan has written 117 awesome articles.


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