Tag: torg

Welcome to NoobHero.com V4.0!

Views: 5141 Likes: 2 0

  Hey guys! I want to extend a sincere welcome to the new website, community, and network. This upgrade is long overdue, but here we are. I’m SO excited about the things I want to bring to ...

SC2 & WoW Update Feb 2013

Views: 4219 Likes: 2 0

Hello friends, guild members and visitors! 🙂 I have a few interesting things to share this week that i’m excited about! First of all is the changes to the SC2 battlenet interface that Blizz re ...

NH Minecraft Update Dec 2011

Views: 3852 Likes: 1 0

  NoobHero has entered the World of Minecraft! Our veteran community member and moderator “Jeto” recently set up a survival server for us (complete with great mods) to play on! Several c ...

Happy Holidays NoobHero!

Views: 2462 Likes: 1 0


SWTOR Trailer Released

Views: 2350 Likes: 1 0

The video below is a mix and match of bits from the various EPIC trailers Bioware and Lucasarts have released for SWTOR. I would recommend watching all three major trailers in order (I will post a l ...