Tag: gaming

Welcome to NoobHero.com V4.0!

Views: 5140 Likes: 2 0

  Hey guys! I want to extend a sincere welcome to the new website, community, and network. This upgrade is long overdue, but here we are. I’m SO excited about the things I want to bring to ...

The Last of Us: Left Behind Full Opening Cinematic Trailer

Views: 2119 Likes: 2 0

  The foreshadowing in this cinematic just kills me… I’m not usually one for action-adventure horror-survival games, but this looks pretty good! C’mon… When have we ever ...

The Real Problem With GameStop

Views: 2321 Likes: 2 0

  I completely agree with boogie2988‘s points here. Used games, pre-orders, and game-stop exclusives are hurting the industry, and transferring (stealing) profits from talented, hard-worki ...