Learn To Play Hearthstone w/ Trump!

I just came across a series by popular Hearthstone player, streamer, and YouTuber Jeffrey Shih aka “Trump,” that is just what you need if you are looking for a simple and enjoyable source to quickly get into Hearthstone and rank up. He’ll show you how to make a quick, free deck for every hero class, and then explain all of the basics of the game to you over the course of this video series. If you’re new to the game or looking to improve your play, then go check it out!

“Trump Teachings is a series of informative YouTube videos that covers the fundamentals of Hearthstone gameplay with the mayor of Value Town himself, Trump! Trump has long been known for helping players elevate their Arena game with charts, live streams, videos, and helpful guides, offering players of all skill levels options to improve their Hearthstone play.” – TBD, Blue Poster

Full Playlist


Board Control – Mage

Mana Efficiency – Druid

Fearless Tapping – Warlock

Fearless Hitting – Rogue

Favorable Trading – Shaman

Card Advantage – Priest

When to Face – Hunter

Weapons Hold – Warrior

The Long Game – Paladin

Terms like Board Control, Mana Efficiency and Card Advantage are new to you? No worries – Trump will teach you! Check out the Trump Teachings Intro video and get started!

Trump Teachings 1: Board Control, using the Mage class.

Trump Teachings 2: Mana Efficiency with the Druid class.

Trump Teachings 3: Fearless Tapping with the Warlock class.

Trump Teachings 4: Fearless Hitting with the Rogue class.

Trump Teachings 5: Favorable Trading with the Shaman class.

Trump Teachings 6: Card Advantage with the Priest class.

Trump Teachings 7: When to Face with the Hunter class.

Trump Teachings 8: Weapons Hold with the Warrior class.

Trump Teachings 9: The Long Game with the Paladin class.

Thanks for watching and reading. Good luck in Hearthstone! 😀

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Ryan - Torg Founder, Owner, Author & Admin @NoobHero
Ryan has written 117 awesome articles.


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