SWTOR Fan Friday – Huttball PvP & PAX 2011

Yet again, another Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Friday is upon us! We look forward to this every week. We hope you enjoy the news, and thank you for visiting!
The following video is a teaser for the new ToR PvP game called “Huttball.” I recommend watching this quick video to get an idea of what the game will be like!

PvP – Huttball
“In a time of turmoil where two mighty armies ready themselves, many citizens of both the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire have begun to look for an escape from the uncertainty of impending war. For many people on Nar Shaddaa this escape can be found in the gladiatorial confines of ‘The Pit,’ where two teams compete in a violent game for the amusement of Giradda the Hutt and thousands of spectators!”
“We are excited to reveal “Huttball,” one of the Player-vs-Player (PvP) Warzones in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! Watch the video to see how the game is played and be sure to check back to SWTOR.com for the latest news and updates!” -bioware
This looks awesome! I like several things about this choice of game for a PvP battleground. First of all, I like that it is not restricted to Republic versus Empire (hopefully we will be able to challenge other teams to a game, like in WoW’s wargames). Secondly, I like that there is a “pass” feature and there are also non-player obstacles like fire pits and such. Lastly, I like that it kind-of takes the traditional “capture the flag” model of pvp game and makes you bring the ball from the middle of the map to the enemy base instead of stealing it from the enemy base and bringing it back while also having to defend your flag as well.
I assume they will have a separate traditional capture the flag pvp battleground in the game as well, but I like this kind of game quite a lot and look forward to playing it! I realize many games have this sort of custom game in them, but I don’t know that the major MMOs have PvP battlegrounds modeled after it (I know WoW does not, of course.)
So anyway that’s my take on Huttball, and I cant wait to play it! Let me know what you like or dislike about Huttball in the comments. 🙂

PAX 2011

“Each year the Penny Arcade Expo attracts tens of thousands of gamers to Seattle, Washington to preview some of the latest upcoming titles. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will have a big presence at this year’s PAX Prime with BioWare and LucasArts in attendance to reveal new information while letting attendees score some hands-on time with the game.” -bioware
So basically, BioWare and LucasArts will have a booth at PAX in Seattle, as well as having a Q&A panel at the Paramount Theatre and a community meet & greet at the Grand Hyatt Seattle Hotel. SO! If you’re in Seattle and want to check it out, then there you go! We’ll make sure to let you know what important information comes out of PAX 2011 soon.
NoobHero Admin & Founder
(be sure to visit swtor.com for more information on this week’s fan friday.)


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Ryan - Torg Founder, Owner, Author & Admin @NoobHero
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